About Me And My Journey

Thursday, July 21, 2016

#10 Father and Daughter Yoga

My tenth blog. YAAA!!! I think I should give myself a prize of some sort right? HA HA  Well I have not given up on yoga in the slightest if that is what you were thinking why I have not blogged in about a week. It has just been a crazy week and I have not had time to just sit down and write something. I have been doing my four times a week routine and still loving it as much if not more than ever.

I have really been seeing some amazing improvements in my flexibility and balance. There is one particular stretch where that is called butterfly where you bend both knee's and put your feet together in front of you and you bend strait over them and try to put your head on the floor in front of you. Well I would do both feet if I had them both. haha. Christiana sometimes even jokes and says unless you only have one foot then just bend that. I love her attitude. Well I have put a block in front of me this whole time and just on Friday I was able to put my forehead on it. Woo hoo!!! It made me smile because I know each time I go I am improving.

This past Wednesday my daughter Maddie asked me if she could go. I was so excited, you have no idea. Of course I jumped at the opportunity to take her. I call the owner of Spark Hot Yoga and made sure it was ok for her to go. She said to just keep and eye on her and make sure her sweat glands have developed enough for her to sweat because after all it is hot yoga. ha ha She absolutely loved it and asked to go with me to another class. This first class was Yin and a great way to start out. I am going to take her tomorrow to Hatha and see what she can do in there. Of course she is a kid and we all know how flexible and balanced kids can be. I figure this will help her with her recovering from her injured should also.

There other bonus from this class was a big surprise. When Maddie and I were walking out of the studio Christiana mentioned she wasnted me to meet someone. Her mother and grandfather were in the front area and she introduced them to me. I thanked her mom for raising such an amazing person. Of course she gave me a very large smile, just like her daughter always has on her face.

I will update my blog after we take that class and let everyone know what she thinks of it. So has told me over and over how much fun she had. I am so excited that we can do something else together that we both enjoy.

Stay positive and keep smiling



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